
Wednesday, November 27, 2019

The ULTIMMATE story web

Hello bloggers  
We had to make a story web.I had to get the Characters,Feelings.The story was take me to your leader we read it at reading time.Tim has woken up and in the closit was a alien named gweep and told Tim to give up and from his knees came stinky dust .Gweep
scared of his boss.
Read this then find out.It was a funny book. What would you do if an alien was in your closet?

Thursday, November 21, 2019

radecal snow ride

Hello bloggers Miss Lee told us to write about a pobble 365 photo or our weekend. Mine is a narrative about my poble photo.
Mike did go up a snowy hill and the rest is a TOP SECRET. 
Can you spot the unlucky things that happened to Mike?

Monday, November 18, 2019

detictive in my blogger

I found I had 25 kids that looked at it . If thats not cool i  see STORM WAS THE LAST ONE TO COMIT 

Monday, November 11, 2019

T4W3 Lukas describing ride and water park

Hey bloggers this is the same thing as last post adverbs,adjectetves,verbs, similes,allitration,meatephorts.thats what ive done here but describing a ride and water bending.